
Сообщения за сентябрь, 2023

Hello, my name is Jon, I want to share my story.

    Hello, my name is Jon, I want to share my story. All my life I suffered from premature ejaculation, in my youth I thought that it would go away with age, but years passed, and the problem remained.  There were constant problems with girls, no girl would like her partner to reach the finish line very quickly (Some people dumped me, cheated on me, it was very painful to go through, especially when I had serious feelings for a girl.There were constant problems with girls, no girl would like her partner to reach the finish line very quickly (Some people dumped me, cheated on me, it was very painful to go through, especially when I had serious feelings for a girl. I tried to be treated, visited doctors, experienced a huge number of different means and methods, spent a lot of time and money, but nothing helped or gave little effect. Because of my problem, I even had thoughts of suicide, you have no idea how hard it is to live with this problem, a feeling of constant shame a...